Every parent wants to have the perfect child. However, no child is perfect. Parents have a lot of different things to deal with as they are raising their children, some issues are big and some are small, and some problems need to be dealt with before they get out of control! One of those issues is having a child who is very bossy. This child tells everyone what to do, even adults. So what can you do if you have a bossy child?
You need to first look for the source of the problem. It's likely that someone is showing your child this behavior. So who is the bad example? It could be you, another parent, a teacher, or another child. Your child could be modeling behavior that they are observing. Often the source is right in your own home. Perhaps it is an older sibling or even parents. We often don't see negative behavior in ourselves, but if you step back and take a close look at how you treat others you may see a little bossy behavior in yourself. Once you identify the person who your child is imitating, find a way to graciously talk to the person about setting a better example. Perhaps they don't realize how closely they are watched by children.
Talk to your child about their bossy attitude. Let them know it is unacceptable and that they will be punished for the behavior. The key to making this work is to follow through with the punishment. Make them have a few minute time-out whenever they are caught bossing someone around. Your child definitely will not like being punished, but it will give them a chance to think about their behavior and it will make them think twice before they do it again.
Explain to other children and adults in your home and circle of friends that they do not need to do what the demanding child asks them to. If you bossy child can't get any results from their behavior, soon they may tire of it. Of course they will become frustrated and could even through a tantrum or two in the meantime, but the point will get across eventually.
Don't reward your child when they are being bossy. If you are shopping with your kids and the bossy one demands that you buy them a certain thing, don't give in. Why would you reward bad behavior? Show your child who is really the boss and stay in control. Now this doesn't mean your child doesn't deserve the occasional treat or gift. Just don't give it to them when they are being bossy.
All children go through stages as they are growing up, so it should give you some sense of comfort that this stage won't last very long. That is, if you take the time to correct the behavior now!
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